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So far Marina Popovich has created 70 blog entries.

The Need for Culturally Tailored Advance Care Planning Discussions  


Race, language, ethnicity and sociodemographics are leading barriers impacting Advance Care Planning (ACP) utilization in the United States. Recent studies have shown that minority populations have low rates of documented advance directives (AD) with key barriers to AD completion having been identified as language, poor physician-patient communication, cultural values and health literacy.  When individuals face [...]

The Need for Culturally Tailored Advance Care Planning Discussions  2021-08-17T09:58:56-05:00

How Iris’ Documentation Gives Patients a Bigger Voice Above State Specific Directives


In 1990 Congress passed the Patient Self-Determination Act with the goal of giving people an opportunity to express in advance their values and preferences for medical treatments in a future medical crisis. Healthcare providers were tasked with informing patients about their rights under their state’s law to make such decisions about future medical care. Since [...]

How Iris’ Documentation Gives Patients a Bigger Voice Above State Specific Directives2021-08-10T13:27:59-05:00

Early Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Oncology Patients


Approximately 1.7 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer every year.  Individuals with advanced cancer are faced with challenging treatment decisions. Their choices are highly influenced by their understanding of the disease course and their prognosis. Individuals facing a diagnosis of advanced cancer should have a clear understanding of their medical plan [...]

Early Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Oncology Patients2021-07-26T13:28:20-05:00

Iris Has Partnered with Scripps to Deliver Innovative Advance Care Planning Services to Medicare Advantage Members


Iris ("Iris"), the leading provider of Advance Care Planning (ACP) solutions for health plans and providers is working with Scripps Health, a fully integrated delivery system, to offer ACP services to their Medicare Advantage (MA) members. Iris experts perform in depth, personalized and disease specific Advance Care Planning for Scripps members through a [...]

Iris Has Partnered with Scripps to Deliver Innovative Advance Care Planning Services to Medicare Advantage Members2022-05-10T10:22:54-05:00

How Has the Pandemic Transformed Advance Care Planning?


In a recent study published in Health Affairs, researchers reviewed 150 studies published between 2011 and 2016 that looked at the proportion of adults who completed advance directives. Of nearly 800,000 people, 37 percent completed some kind of advance directive. Of those, 29 percent completed living wills, 33 percent filed health care proxies and 32 percent [...]

How Has the Pandemic Transformed Advance Care Planning?2021-07-14T10:55:15-05:00

Boost Plan Star Ratings with Advance Care Planning


The Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to drive improvements in Medicare quality and to help consumers and caregivers easily compare the performance of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. Ratings emphasize patient care and satisfaction, health outcomes, and patient or member feedback.  Member experience has been growing in influence [...]

Boost Plan Star Ratings with Advance Care Planning2021-07-14T10:51:52-05:00

Healthfirst to Offer Its Medicare Advantage Members Universal Access to Advance Care Planning Through Iris


June 25, 2021 - Austin, Texas -- Iris, the leading provider of Advance Care Planning (ACP) solutions for health plans and providers, has been selected by Healthfirst, one of New York’s largest not-for-profit health insurers to provide its comprehensive suite of ACP services that are tailored to the needs of healthy, chronically-ill and seriously [...]

Healthfirst to Offer Its Medicare Advantage Members Universal Access to Advance Care Planning Through Iris2021-06-25T13:34:04-05:00

Advance Care Planning- Beyond the Document


One of the goals of Advance Care Planning (ACP) , including the facilitated, remote, virtual goals-of-care conversations that are offered by Iris, is the completion of a legally recognized document called an Advance Directive (AD). Three common forms for advance directives are the Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, also referred [...]

Advance Care Planning- Beyond the Document2021-06-30T10:18:30-05:00

Iris Expands Its Tech-Enabled Advance Care Planning Solutions with Introduction of Empower Platform


Iris, the leading provider of Advance Care Planning (ACP) solutions for health plans and at-risk providers announces the launch of Empower, a self-guided online ACP application. The Iris Empower platform simplifies the ACP process with guiding prompts and supportive education. Auto-generated advance directives are shared with family members and health care providers with the [...]

Iris Expands Its Tech-Enabled Advance Care Planning Solutions with Introduction of Empower Platform2021-06-30T10:37:43-05:00
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